Note: Don will send you an email within 48 hours of booking to confirm your time. A virtual visit can be rescheduled until 7 days before the visit. If you have any Questions please contact Don here.
Quick Facts About Don
Born May 6, 1955 in Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Heights High School
High School Diploma, 1973
Case Western Reserve University
Bachelor of Science Physics, 1977
Cornell University
Master of Science, Materials Science, 1980
Cornell University
Doctorate, Materials Science, 1982
STS-65 Columbia (July 8-23, 1994)
STS-70 Discovery (July 13-22, 1995)
STS-83 Columbia (April 4-8, 1997)
STS-94 Columbia (July 1-17, 1997)
“You have a fabulous way of explaining things and you were able to keep a group of second graders spellbound for 45 minutes – a feat that is comparable to making it out into space!”