Virtual Classroom Visits
Another way to bring Don’s message and programs into your classroom is via a virtual classroom visit.
How it works:
Two weeks before your scheduled event, Don will send you his Power Point presentation titled “Living and Working in Space” which you will project on one screen in your classroom/auditorium. On a second screen you will project Don’s image via Skype or some other media. He will talk through his presentation (typically 30-35 minutes) and then allow your students to ask their individual questions. A session usually lasts about one hour, but are scheduled in 90 minute blocks to best fit your schedule and to give you some time to make sure everything is working beforehand.
Don’s enthusiasm, interactive presentation and engaging manner will keep your students enthralled. It’s the next best thing to having him there in person!
Equipment needed:
For the best experience, you will need two computers, two LCD projectors or something similar, two screens, and the capability to use some form of video conference media (Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.)
Prices for Virtual Classroom Visits:
Don has performed virtual classroom visits for schools across the United States and around the world, including schools in South Africa, the United Kingdom, and India.
Quick Facts About Don
Born May 6, 1955 in Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Heights High School
High School Diploma, 1973
Case Western Reserve University
Bachelor of Science Physics, 1977
Cornell University
Master of Science, Materials Science, 1980
Cornell University
Doctorate, Materials Science, 1982
STS-65 Columbia (July 8-23, 1994)
STS-70 Discovery (July 13-22, 1995)
STS-83 Columbia (April 4-8, 1997)
STS-94 Columbia (July 1-17, 1997)
“You have a fabulous way of explaining things and you were able to keep a group of second graders spellbound for 45 minutes – a feat that is comparable to making it out into space!”